PIX-FORCE® ऑटोमोटिव REC बेल्ट्स

PIX-FORCE® ऑटोमोटिव REC बेल्ट्स

बढ़ी हुई गर्मी अपव्यय दर

छोटे व्यास वाली पुली के लिए उपयुक्त

बेहतर लचीलापन


तेल प्रतिरोधी


तापमान सीमा -45°C to +120°C


EPDM रबरयुक्त फैब्रिक

कुशन सेक्शन

ईपीडीएम रबर यौगिक

टेंसाइल मेंबर

पॉलिएस्टर कॉर्ड

कम्प्रेशन सेक्शन

फाइबरयुक्त कंपाउंड

Experience the product

Our stunning interactive 3D Belt model allows viewers to get a hands-on experience with products by allowing them to view them from any angle or scale with rich rendering.

Augmented Reality (AR)

3D Viewer

Any Device

Any Browser

Reference Standards

BS ISO-5287, DIN 7753-3, SAE J 636, JASO E 107


ऑटोमोटिव इंजन, अल्टरनेटर, कंप्रेसर, जल पंप, पंखे, पावर स्टीयरिंग पंप, आदि।


  • अनुरोध पर मध्यवर्ती आकार उपलब्ध हैं

Product Label

image box

Product Range

सेक्शन बेल्ट चौड़ाई
(Tw) (mm)
बेल्ट मोटाई
(Th) (mm)
(θ) (डिग्री)
निर्माण रेंज बेल्ट लम्बाई चिन्ह अतिरिक्त उत्पाद
X9.5 / AVX10 10.0 8.0 36 550 5000 La यहाँ क्लिक करें
X12.5 / AVX13 13.0 10.0 36 550 5000 La यहाँ क्लिक करें
X10A 10.5 8.0 38 550 5000 Le यहाँ क्लिक करें
X11A 11.5 8.0 36 550 5000 Le यहाँ क्लिक करें
X13A 13.5 9.0 36 550 5000 Le यहाँ क्लिक करें
X15A 17.0 10.5 38 550 5000 Le यहाँ क्लिक करें
X17A 18.5 11.0 36 550 5000 Le
X20A 21.5 12.5 36 550 5000 Le
X23A 23.8 13.0 38 550 5000 Le
XV10 10.5 8.0 38 550 5000 Le यहाँ क्लिक करें
XV13 13.0 9.0 38 550 5000 Le यहाँ क्लिक करें
XV15 17.0 11.0 38 550 5000 Le यहाँ क्लिक करें
XV20 22.5 13.0 38 550 5000 Le

Frequently Asked Questions

Fan Belts, also known as alternator Belts or accessory Belts, are Belts in an engine that power the cooling fan, alternator, and other accessories.
They transfer power from the engine to the cooling fan, alternator, water pump, and other accessories, enabling their operation as the engine runs.
Fan Belts specifically power components like the cooling fan and alternator, whereas other Belts like the serpentine belt or Timing Belt have broader functions in the engine.
They are typically made from rubber compounds reinforced with synthetic materials such as polyester or aramid fibers, providing flexibility, strength, and resistance to wear.
Signs include visible wear, cracking, fraying, loss of tension, squealing noises from the belt, or issues with accessories like the cooling fan not functioning properly.
Replacing a Fan Belt might be a manageable DIY task for some individuals with the proper knowledge and tools, as it often involves adjusting tension and swapping the belt.
Regular inspection for wear, proper tension adjustment, and following manufacturer-recommended maintenance schedules are crucial for maximizing the belt's lifespan and efficiency.
Extreme temperatures, especially heat, can impact belt performance, so regular maintenance becomes essential to prevent premature wear or failure.
If a Fan Belt breaks while the engine is running, it can lead to the failure of accessories it powers, potentially causing engine overheating, loss of power steering, or electrical issues.