PIX-MUSCLE®-XR3 उच्च शक्ति, रखरखाव-मुक्त बेल्ट

PIX-MUSCLE®-XR3 उच्च शक्ति, रखरखाव-मुक्त बेल्ट

उच्च शक्ति

रखरखाव मुक्त

मशीन अपटाइम

98% तक उच्च क्षमता

न्यूमतम फॉर्म फैक्टर


बढ़ी हुई गर्मी अपव्यय दर

न्यूनतम बढ़ाव


तेल प्रतिरोधी


तापमान सीमा -35°C to +130°C


हेवी-ड्यूटी, विशेष, ईपीडीएम रबरयुक्त फैब्रिक

कुशन मैट्रिक्स

इंजीनियर्ड EPDM रबर कंपाउंड

टेंसाइल मेंबर

रखरखाव-मुक्त पॉलिएस्टर कॉर्ड

कम्प्रेशन मैट्रिक्स

फाइबरयुक्त कोग के साथ उच्च-मापांक EPDM आधारित रबर यौगिक

हमारे उत्पाद का अनुभव करें

हमारा शानदार इंटरएक्टिव 3डी बेल्ट मॉडल दर्शकों को उत्पादों के साथ अनुभव प्राप्त करने की अनुमति देता है, जिससे वे उन्हें किसी भी कोण या पैमाने के साथ देख सकते हैं।

संवर्धित वास्तविकता (एआर)

3डी व्यूअर

कोई भी उपकरण

कोई भी ब्राउज़र

संदर्भ मानक

BS 3790, ISO 4184, RMA IP-22


उच्च तापमान औद्योगिक ड्राइव, कंप्रेसर, ब्लोअर, उच्च शक्ति प्रेस, हॉट रोलिंग मिल्स, कपड़ा मशीनरी, आईडी पंखे, एफडी पंखे, उत्खनन, पंप, जेनरेटर, पल्वराइजर, आदि।


  • अनुरोध पर मध्यवर्ती आकार उपलब्ध हैं

उत्पाद लेबल

image box

उत्पाद रेंज

सेक्शन बेल्ट चौड़ाई
(Tw) (mm)
बेल्ट मोटाई
(Th) (mm)
(θ) (डिग्री)
Min. Pully Dia.
निर्माण रेंज बेल्ट लम्बाई चिन्ह अतिरिक्त उत्पाद
MF3-XPZ 10.0 8.0 36 56 21.5 / 550 200 / 5000 Lp Click Here
MF3-XPA 13.0 10.0 36 71 21.5 / 550 200 / 5000 Lp Click Here
MF3-XPB 16.3 14.0 36 112 21.5 / 550 200 / 5000 Lp Click Here
MF3-XPC 22.0 18.0 38 180 23.5 / 600 200 / 5000 Lp Click Here
MF3-3VX 9.7 8.0 38 56 21.5 / 546 200 / 5000 La Click Here
MF3-5VX 15.8 13.5 38 112 21.5 / 546 200 / 5000 La Click Here

Frequently Asked Questions

Maintenance-Free Belts, also known as self-tensioning Belts or no-maintenance Belts, are engineered to require minimal or no adjustments or lubrication throughout their service life.
Traditional Belts often require periodic adjustments, tension checks, and lubrication to maintain optimal performance, while Maintenance-Free Belts are designed to operate without these regular maintenance tasks.
Maintenance-Free Belts are available in various configurations, including Timing Belts, serpentine Belts, and some specialized V-Belts or ribbed Belts engineered for specific applications.
They are typically made from high-quality materials such as advanced rubber compounds, specialized fibers, or materials that reduce friction and wear, contributing to their maintenance-free characteristics.
These Belts have extended service lives compared to traditional Belts. Replacement intervals are usually longer and are based on the manufacturer's recommendations and regular inspections.
Signs include visible wear, fraying, cracking, loss of tension, increased noise during operation, reduced efficiency, or reaching the recommended service life specified by the manufacturer.
Replacing a Maintenance-Free Belt might be similar to replacing traditional Belts, but specific knowledge and tools may still be necessary. Professional assistance is recommended for precision.
While they are termed maintenance-free, regular inspections for wear, alignment checks, and following manufacturer-recommended maintenance schedules remain essential for longevity.
Extreme conditions can affect these Belts, but their design often mitigates these effects. However, regular inspection and adherence to maintenance schedules are still crucial.
Maintenance-Free Belts offer reduced maintenance costs, increased reliability, extended service life, and less downtime compared to traditional Belts, enhancing overall operational efficiency.